Cthulhu Deep Green (Game1) Part 2

System: Cthulhu Deep Green
Oracle: Solo Investigator Handbook
Tools: Mentioned below, but mostly Silent Legions Tables, UNE, Mythic Detail Checks and Meaning Tables, Random PDF Selector (Selfcoded) for Cut-Ups, Horror GMA Deck

Is the door open? 50/50 (57) Maybe -> Fortunately, Watery ->
The door is closed, but the frame wood seems to be rotten from long exposure of moisture, that the lock gives in under normal appliance of pressure.
I have my gun and flashlight ready!
Is the entrance room dark? 50/50 (62) Maybe -> Naturally, Historical ->
Enough light is coming from the outside in to orientate easily, but some corners are lying in deep shadows.
Do I see a corpse? -> +20 (94) Yes
In what condition do I find the body-> Detail Check + Random PDF: Crazily, Harsh + Malleus_Monstrorum_Volume_II_-_Deities_of_the_Mythos:
Touch: living cells physically touched by the Old One’s appendages are transformed into solid mineral formations

On the floor in the entrance room lies a distorted body. Parts of it seem to have crytalyzed into some form of mineral and are shattered into thousand pieces. There where those pieces shattered they gave way to huge gaps into the body, creating huge gaping wounds where blood and guts are spilling out.
-> +5 MP + Insight + Stress Die -> Insight (4) -> +1 (2), Stress 1 -> +0 (2)

Seems the danger to be still around? 50/50 (56) Maybe -> Hopelessly, Poor ->
I’m not sure if what done that is still here, but I should leave quick, because if it comes back I do not belief I have more hope to survive than the person on the floor.

I try to identify the person.
Is it Vega? -> 50/50 (15) -> No
Male or Female -> 1-3 Male , 4-6 Female -> 6 Female
Is there ID on her body? -> 50/50 (94) -> Yes
Is it Vega’s Mum? 50/50 (92) -> Yes -> The ID says (GMA Horror) Bernadette Vega.

In the wallet are photos from her together with what to seem her son. I guess I found Santino’s Mum. And something else found her first.
Do I find Vega’s room in the house? +40 (55+40) -> Yes
Do I find a computer? 50/50 (14) -> No ->

I enter what to seems to be the room of a nerdy boy. I hope to find a computer in that room, but all I find is an empty docking station.
Any interesting clues insight of Santino’s room? -> 50/50 (46) -> Maybe -> Cautiously, Dull ->
The room of Santino makes the impression of a too tidy room for a 17 year old teenager. I think at least some nerd related paranioa is going on here, if the guy has nothing to hide.

I call my handler.
Is he taking the call? 50/50 (16) -> No -> Shit, he is not taking the call!
I decide to stake out the house from the car, and see if the kid returns after school.

Scene 9 – 2 pm – The Waiting Game
Story Direction: (19+10)-> Development -> (31+10):
You are met by a seemingly neutral PC. Example: A cop on the beat, a wandering local, an inquisitive child. The keyword here is seemingly.
They probably are neutral, but possibly not. Perhaps they are secretly aiding you, or opposing you. You don’t know yet.

Is a neighbor checking checking in on Vegas? +20 (1+20) -> No
Cops? 50/50 (76) -> Yes ->

While I’m staking out Vega’s house a police patrol is passing by. Two officers are getting out of the car and knocking on my window.
Bearing: The inquisitive NPC speaks of interest regarding the PC’s equipment

“Hi Sir. Some neighbors are a little bit worried about a guy lurking around here, seemingly using oculars. You not necessary know anything about that?
I try to sweet talk my way out -> (General Die + Occupation) vs Failure -> (5 + 1) vs 3 ->
The Agent succeeds and may get an advantage. -> AG:”Sorry Officer, I’m Agent Derek from the FBI. I’m investigating a very important case (showing off my badge), but I’m not allowed to disclose any information. It is a matter of goverment security, you certainly understand. But, you could help me save our country. Where are the kids of this neighborhood go to get free Wifi?” Officer 1: “Sorry to interupt your work. Free Wifi… hmm. The kids normally hang around at (Horror GMA) the “Swimming hole” a (Horror GMA) youth Workshop sponsored by the city. Students have free internet access there, and all the nerds and geeks are hanging around there!” AD:”Thanks Officers!”
Are the officers are continuing their patrol without checking in on the Vega house? 50/50 (43) -> Maybe -> Activity, Business ->
The cops seem to continue their patrol, seemingly focusing on trying to disrupt any drug dealers from suceeding. Poor Mrs Vega will rott alone some more, I guess.

Is Vega showing up at the house after School? 50/50 (58) -> Maybe -> Lightly, Lonely ->
I’m staking the house out till the deep afternoon, but Santino is not showing up. I decide to try this workshop, the cops told me.

Scene 10 – 5 pm – The “Swimming Hole”
Story Direction: 9 + 10 -> Downtime -> Mild disturbance – a vision,a dream, hearing something. Roll on Verbs table for details. -> harm, belittle ->
Short before I can start the engine of my car, the boring staking out seems to take it’s toll on me. I dream of my childhood were kids made fun of me for my interest into science and math. Some bullies even applied physical abuse. I dash up with sweat on my face, while I dreamed to have my face showed down a toilet. I shrug it off and drive to the workshop.

Is the place open -> +40 (27) -> Yes
Is the place busy? -> 50/50 (76)-> Yes

I feel way to old and completely out off place between all those young kids.
Do I get a lot of attention? +20 (26) -> Maybe -> Dangerously, Ruined ->
Some kids are looking at me like they want to say to me, go elsewhere Pedobear! I can understand them.

I try to find someone who knows Santino.
Do I succeed? -> +20 (48) -> Yes ->
I can get a boy to not ignore me. I ask him for Vega, and he tells me he knows who that is.
Is Vega at the Swimming Hole at the moment?
—–to be continued ——-

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