Spoilers for Impossible Landscapes!!!
— A Volume of Secret Faces—
Mike DiGiovanni (45)
FBI Agent
Former Nassau County police officer
Important Information:
Former Partner and Mentee of Thomas Wright
Delta Green Status:
Heard only rumors about a special ops devision tasked to deal with weird stuff.
* Wife
*2 x Daughters (5 yo & 8 yo)
*Best Friend
Insight: 1/6
Stress: 1/6
Corruption: 4/10 > Corruption through Thomas Wright (1d10) > 4
Chaosfactor: 3
* Protecting his Family
* Justice for all
Find out what the strange invitation is about
The invitation:
On 28 AUG 2015, Mike received by FedEx an invitation to a private birthday party for someone named Richard Zielony.
The party is to be held at the Gateway Bridges Restaurant in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts, at 8:00 P.M. on 1 SEP 2015.
Mike does not know a Richard Zielony, but the front of the card is embossed with a stylized green triangle ,the infamous symbol of Delta Green he heard rumors about , so he understands he have been summoned to a Delta Green briefing.
Scene 1(CF:3) – Party Time – 7:45 pm
Mike enters the Gateway Bridges Restaurant on 1 SEP 2015.
There he is led by the service to the private party room in the back of the building. A 60-something African-American man waiting for them.
He tells him to call him Agent Exeter, then somberly asks him to sit and settle in. Exeter smells of body odor, oil, and gasoline. When he moves, there is a subtle noise of crumpling paper.
Exeter establishes the following:
* The operation is codenamed INDIA MOON. It is about locating former operatives of the group.
* These operatives have been under care at a psychiatric facility in Boston that itself has deep connections to the group. These patients have been committed for some time. They are now missing.
*Each went missing on 28 AUG 2015 at approximately the same time. The police have not been alerted but the group wants them found.
*A message was written on the wall of one of their rooms. Exeter shows them a photo:
*The Message:
* A photo of lines written on the wall of a mental patient’s room. It was scrawled on the wall in a copious amount of human blood, covered with taped newspapers. “Abigail Wright has gone to sea – cross the waves to rescue me – in a ship both tall and fine – she rounds the corner marking time”
* Before their incarceration, each of these operatives came in contact with a book known to have unnatural properties. The book goes by many titles.
* The recovery of any occult book in this operation is to be reported. Barring a cursory examination for title and author, any such book is not to be read.
* Exeter hands Mike a large, old-looking satellite phone. He says the group can be contacted securely by pressing *616 on the phone, but communications should be kept to a minimum.
* He hands Mike also a card for Dr. Richard Dallan of the Dorchester House Psychiatric Facility. It has Dallan’s email, telephone, and fax number, as well as the House address. Exeter says Dallan is a group friendly and is familiar with the group’s activities. He is expecting the Agents’ call.
Mike suddenly remebers a ghost from his past:”Did you say Abigail Wright?”
Exeter:”That is correct.”
Mike:”That must be a sick joke. I know Abbys father. He got broken over the search for her. And know you tell me some lunatic wrote her name on a wall?”
Exeter:”I normally do not tell Jokes. But may be you have a lead there. In our business the strange things can become the important things. May be you should visit your old friend to reconnect?”
Mike”May be I should do that.”
Exeter:”Well I think I told you everything you need to know. Get to work. Delta Green is counting on you!”
He hands mike A short list of the supposed missing patients written by hand.
Mike:”I will do. Thanks Agent Exeter for your trust in me!”
Mike is saying goodby to Agent Exeter and is driving home.
Scene 2(CF:4) – Breaking News – 9am
Scene is interrupted!
NPC negative (Agent Exeter / Dr. Barbas): Imprison Success
As Mike is watching the morning news he sees the reporting of an Dr . Barbas arrested for the potential charges of raping his former colleague Detective Emeline Skehan.
Mike is baffled as he realizes that this Dr. Barbas is Agent Exeter from the night before.
Scene 3 (CF:5) – Framing – 9:30am
Scene is interrupted!
Move toward a thread (Find out what the invitation means): Oppress Prison
Mike takes the invitation again into his hands and give it a good look, like he wants to ask to it “Can I trust you”.
He caresses the frame with his hand as he suddenly feels a sharp pain from a uneven edge on the frame. The surprise ripped the framed invitation from his grip, which tumbel to the ground and shatters.
This revealed a hidden layer to the invite, a handwritten letter, embedded under the original invite.
It says:
“Our London business is good, but Vienna and Berlin are quiet. Mr. D. Lloyd has gone to Switzerland and I hope for good news. He will be there for a week at 1496 Zermott Street and then goes to Turin and Rome and will join Colonel Parry and arrive at Athens, Greece, November 27 or December 2. Letters there should be addressed King James Blvd. 3580. We expect Charles E. Fuller Tuesday. Dr. L. McQuaid and Robert Unger, Esq., left on the ‘Y. X.’ Express tonight.”
Does the letter reveal something to Mike? likely > Exceptional Yes > Mike realizes that the hidden handwritten letter matches the handwritting of the patient list, but not of the invite.
He recognizes it as a “request exemplar”: a gibberish portion of text a suspect is asked to write so that their handwriting might be compared to evidence. Also next to this writing is a gold foil stamp with a strange symbol and the letters P-U-R-S-O-N.
Suddenly the firealarm gets off.
Maggy:”Daddy daddy is there a fire?”
Mike:”No do not worry sweetheart all is fine.”
Scene 4 (CF:6) – Call to the past – 10:00am
Mike goes on the terrace.
He takes his mobilephone out.
He want to call Thomas Wright his old mentor.
Does Mike still has the number in his mobilephone> very likely > Yes
Mike is calling the number he has saved over 20 years ago.
Thomas was always a very good Mentor to Mike when they still were police officers. But when Thomas daughter Abigail got lost everything went downhill.
First Thomas just acted how most broken parents would act. But then a more weirder and darker component got in the mix.
Thomas started to tell Mike stories of weird events in an apartment house, where he searched for Abigail without success. The stories where convoluted but disturbing, featuring multiple masked men and ceramic mannequins.
Mike remebers how Thomas once brought donuts to the station. But when the donut box got opened for display and access, a weird yellow occult symbol was painted on the inside of the top.
Then Thomas gave everyone his donut in person, and while he was handing over the goods, very much during a commun ritual, he looked the receiver deep in the eyes and asked “Did you see the yellow sign?”
The higher ups did not liked those new antics and therefore encouraged Thomas to go into early retirement in dignity, as long as he still has a chance to do so.
What he is up to today, Mike does not know.
Mike calls the number. Is someone taking the call? 50/50 > Yes
Is it Thomas Wright? > very likely > Yes >
MaleVoice:”Thomas Wright here, how can I help?”
The friendly Thomas conversation mood is sociable.
The friendly NPC speaks of support regarding the PC’s history
Mike:”Hi Thomas! It is me, Mike. Mike DiGiovanni.”
Thomas:”Mike!? Oh my, I did not hear from you in ages! How has it been?”
Mike:”Close to 20 years.
Thomas:” So you are are a grown man now!”
Mike:”Stop it Thomas. I was also grown when we still where cruising together,” Mike chuckles
Thomas:”Maybe, but you were green and naive, and also ambitious. That was why I liked you.
Mike:”Stop embarrassing me. How are you doing?”
Arced waylay:
Theme: Mundane Afterlife (Epic)
quiet conclave (Haven) overcome by favored skill > Thomas went into isolation after he retired from the police, but he never really stopped to try making sense out of the case of his daughter and the events at the Macallister Building
problematic occult (Knowledge) found by accident >
One day he went through some streets he visited together with Abigail before she went missing. There he stumbled across the bookshop where he made Abigail his last gift. He payed for a book she found there.
For nostalgic reasons he wanted to buy the book again. He went in and found the book, but when he opened it up he was shocked to realize that the book contained a play. And this play read eerily similiar to a play he found in the Macallistar building during his investigations.
hallowed weather (Natural) overcome by enemy help>
Today he spents most of his day trying to decipher the hidden meaning behind the book. Suddenly his life feels like it has meaning again
Mike does not dare to tell his oldfriend, that he actually went completely full circle and is now at spare 1 where he got retired from the police.
Instead he needs to tell Thomas something more important:
Mike: “Thomas I do not want to make you hope or open healed wounds, but there were evidence found that I want you to see!”
Mike shows Thomas the picture of the message written in blood on the wall which includes Abigail’s name.
Mike:”I know there are plenty of Abigails out there but I had to think about your daughter when I saw it.”
How does Thomas react?
The friendly NPC’s converstion mood is neutral.
The scheming NPC speaks of agenda regarding the PC’s skills.
Thomas seems to slip into thinking mode. Then he states:”When someone can finish what I was not able to, then I trust that it is you. If that is my Abigail they talk about, you will find her and bring her back! Bring her back Mike!”
Mike gets silent, then he answers :”It is to early to make promises. But if there is hope, I will do my best to bring your daughter back old friend!”
Thomas:”Thank you!”
Mike asks Thomas about some facts and notes the answers down:
* Where is this bookshop
* Where he can find the Macallistar Building
Mike:”So you still have this play?”
Does he? Has to be > Yes
Mike:”Can I have it?” > 50/50 > No
Thomas:”Sorry Mike, I’m into deep study with it. I need it to continue!
Mike:”Understand. I might come by and have a look though, ok?” > 50/50 > Exceptional Yes
Thomas:”Ofcourse whenever you want. It is an exceptional read!”
Mike:”Thanks Thomas, it was nice talking to you!”
Thomas:”My pleasure old friend!”
Next Mike wants to have a look at the Dorchester House where the operatives went missing.
How far away is it (d8=5h) ?
Scene 5(CF:5) – Visit to Dorchester House – 15:00pm
Mike parks near the main entrance. Mike asks to see Dr. Dallan at the front gate and the gate guards grant him access as if expecting him. Mike is greeted at the front desk by orderly Gail Huston.
Gail is an average looking blond beginning fortish white woman.
Like all visitors he is asked to sign in and surrender his firearms, which are locked in a secure locker in the atrium. He is given a blue key-card with his name written on it in marker. He is told that this card opens emergency doors and common areas but not secure rooms. Huston leads Agents up to Dallan’s office on the third floor in the administration wing.
Does Mike meet Along staff or patients? > 50/50 > Exceptional Yes > Multiple Staff and patients > Staff count d3=2 > Patients count d3=2 > Staff > Orderly Richard Brice and Registered Nurse Ulrikia Voors > Patients > Timothy Bael and Rudolph Valater
What happened? >
BOLD > unforeseen trap (Physical) overcome by change of heart
As Gail is escorting Mike through the halls they walk by a group of patients and staff members. The older of the patients has a bloody nose. A nurse is caring for it. Another male staff meber is talking calmly to the other patient. His right hand knuckles are bloody.
Gail:”All good here Richard?”
Richard:”Yeah dont worry, only one of Timothys tamper tantrums.”
Gail:”Allright then.”
Gail quickly pushes on.
Scene 6(CF:4) – Meeting Dr.Dallan – 15:30pm
Dallan’s office faces east and enjoys a sweeping view of the Neponset River. It looks like a classic English study, with a wooden floor and a beautiful stone fireplace. Dallan’s desk is almost comically thin and reedy, a wooden writing desk of French design. Compared to the huge man, it seems ill suited for its job.
Ceiling-height shelves on every wall are filled with books.
One corner of the room contains a large, custom-made glass and velvet display case for Dallan’s rock collection. Each rock is labeled with a small, hand-printed card that notes a date and location. Custom lights drop a tiny spotlight on each rock.
Dallan is a tall, burly, balding Caucasian man with grey, short, curly hair that has all but vanished on top, and a long beard and mustache. Somewhere around his sixties. His glasses are oversize, black and thick, enlarging his eyes. He wears suspenders, slacks, and a short-sleeved, button-down shirt with no tie. He wears sneakers.
His physical presence is intimidating, but his personality is quiet and respectful. At 2,01 meters, he towers over Mike. But within seconds, Mike finds himelve at ease becaue of the naturally calming nature of his voice.
Dallan is eager to speak to Mike about the missing patients. He welcomes Mike, describes the situation of the missing Delta Green patients, gives Mike the patients’ files.
Dallan says that at 8:11 P.M. on 28 AUG 2015, the patients vanished from their rooms on the third floor. Each patient had been locked in their room, as they almost always were, sedated and under bed restraint, between 6:00 P.M. and 6:34 P.M. The first disappearance was noticed at 8:11 P.M. By 8:22 P.M., all were discovered missing.
Disturbing writing was discovered on the wall of the room of Kim Plaslad [a patient from the list]. Dallan shows a photo of the writing. It matches the photo that Barbas showed at the briefing.
There was no sign of any breach in the doors or walls. The computer log recorded no door entries between when the patients were put to bed and when the door was opened to investigate their apparent disappearance. The windows were all secure.
After answering Mike’s questions, Dallan calls in Head Nurse Samigina and hands him off to her.
Dr . Dallan:”Nurse Samigina will give you a tour around the facility.”
Mike:”Thanks, very much appreciated.”
Nurse Samigina is broad-faced and dark-haired, has piercing green eyes, and is meticulous in her appearance. She wears scrubs.
Nurse Samigina:”Please Agent DiGiovanni, follow me!”
Scene 7(CF:3) – The Tour – 16:30pm
Where does the nurse brings us first > Room of missing Agents >
Nurse Samigina:”Should we start with the rooms of the missing Agents?”
Mike:”That sounds great.”
One by one Nurse Samigina is leading Mike from room to room of the 6 missing Agents.
The rooms of the missing Delta Green patients are on the third floor and are entirely unremarkable. Nothing of interest can be found in most of them, given that almost all of these patients were kept under restraints and sedation most of the time. The only significant clue is the writing in blood and paper on the wall of one room.
How long did the tour through the rooms took? > d6 = 3
After excruciating boring three hours Mike needs a break.
Mike:”Nurse Samigina, I think we should continue with the cafeteria.”
Does Nurse Samigina agrees? > likely > Yes and Random event: PC negative: Ruin Illusions
Nurse S.:”Happy to bring you there. But I’m sorry to inform you, that if you had a coffee break or dinner in mind, the kitchen is already closed and the only thing that is served at this hour is cold ice tea.”
Mike:”Better than nothing, let us push on.”
As Mike and Nurse Samigina are walking through the hallways of the Dorchester house, the sun slowly decends.