Could contain spoilers for Impossible Landscapes!
1. Do what is fun for you!
2. Do not care about spoilers!
3. Get surprised in the deep info and the play by play suprises
4. If unsure if the PC would do something ask the dice
5. Randomize clues and manisfistations
6. Use a corruption check instead of a counter
7. Feel free to cut boring stuff
Rpg System: Cuthulhu Deep Green
Oracle: Mythic Android App
Corruption Check:
Range 1-10
Track corruption as normal but if corruption is asked for roll d10 against Corruption value:
d10>corruption > Threshould not reached
d10<= corruption >Threshould reached
Briefing (Optional) > Macallistar Building > Nightfloors > Escape
– Catalogue every item in Abigails apartment
– Determine if a unnatural threat was behind Abigails dissapearance
– If unnnatural threat is found, eliminate it
Clues in Abigails Apartment:
Each day spent documenting the contents of the apartment grants one Search rolls for the Agent.
1-3 One Clue
4-5 2 Clues
6 2 Clues and throw a Dark Die. When Dark Die fails find the Yellow Sign
1. The Diagrams
2. The Letterhead
3. The Macallistar Map
4. The Play
5. The Receipt
6. The Sheet Music
7. The Seal
8. The Walkie-Talkie
9. The Airline Ticket
10. Photo of Thomas and Ellen Wright
When Dark Die fails -> The Yellow Sign
The Macallister Building:
1. Meeting No one
2. Meeting a Resident
3. Random
Abigail Wright (MISSING)
2B Thomas Manuel
3A Roger Carun
4A Louis Post
6B Michelle Vanfitz
The Night Floors:
Effects of the Nightfloors:
1. Travelling > Requires the throw of a Dark Die
2. Changes and Time> TIME: Six hours of movement on the Night Floors somehow takes a few seconds in the real world. Paths, halls, and doors constantly change. A doorway that opens onto a staircase one moment may open onto a room the next, or an empty elevator shaft. These changes become more and more frequent the longer Agents remain on the Night Floors.
3. Manisfistations and exiting> Has to pass a corruption check to make the manifestations stop and be able to exit
1. Manisfistation
2. Resident
3. Random
1. David Langford
2. Mark Roark
3. The Dog
4. The Encyclopedia Salesman
5. The Author
6. The Superintendent
7. The Night Manager
1. Bottle
2. Box
3. Clockwork Child
4. Chime
5. The Dance
6. The Doctor
7. Dream Guide
8. Get em, Boys
9. Hors d’Oeuvres
10. Like Clockwork
11. Lovers
12. Masked Men
13. Mind the Gap
14. Movie
15. The Suicide
16. Patients
17. Restraints
18. Stage
19. Sea of Windows
20. Summon
21. Whisper Labyrinth
22. The Sign