Scene 15 (CF:8) – Gas Masks and Shotguns – 1:30 pm
Scene is altered
Random event: NPC action (The Chime): Break Rumor
As if three armed guys in gas masks are not fear inducing enough, also the chime is back. It starts without warning and is so loud it feels like the walls are trembling
Does it affect the gas mask guys? 50/50 > Yes>
The three guys drop their shotguns and hold their ears with their hand.
Does the chime hurt the Dog? > likely > yes
The Dog start to haul and starts running away from the gas masks.
Does the chime affect Thomas > likely > Exceptional Yes
The chime is so loud it hurts in Thomas ears. He also tries to protect those with his hands, but the pain does not stop. He goes down his knees as he is not longer able to stand.
Roll for harm > 1 > Injury
Blood is coming out of Thomas ears.
Does the chime stops? likely > yes
Suddenly the earpircing sound stops. Thomas is still dizzy, but he also knows this is maybe his only chance to escape.
Is Thomas able ro run > Human Die vs Failure > 5 vs 4 > The Agent succeeds and may get an advantage. >
But luckily for Thomas the guys in the Gas Masks seem to be even more battered by the chime than he is.
He starts running. Every step is like needles into his skull and ears. But better needles, than a shot of shotgun pellets.
Thomas runs, trying to run to safety > Traveling the nightfloors > Corruption Check > 10 > Failure > corruption rises to 9
But he got lost in the labyrinth again.
Dark Die against Stress > 1 > No change
Exhausted and bleeding Thomas collapses against a wall. He breathes heavily, hoping he could leave the gas mask gang behind him in the corridors behind him.
Does Thomas gets some rest? > 50/50 > Yes
Thomas is alerted for several more minutes, before the exhaustion of the night takes the better of him. He falls asleep on the floor.
How long does he sleeps? d8 > 8 hours
Scene 16 (CF:7) – Rise and Shine – 9:30 am
Scene is interrupted!
PC negative: Activity The innocent
Thomas sleep is interrupted abruptley.
By whom or what? > 1-2 Resident, 3-4 Manisfistation, Random 5-6 > 1 > David Langford
Thomas moans loudly, as he got waken up by kicks into his side.
DavidL:”You left me behind! You left me alone in this hellhole. You cared more for the frikking dog than for another human being!”
Thomas:”David? Stop…kicking me! It is you! You found me again!”
DavidL stops kicking Thomas : “But that was not your honor! You look like shit! What happened to your ears?”
Thomas:”My tears?”
David: “Your ears!”
Thomas:”Sorry, my ears are hurt. Fucking chime nearly killed me. Did you hear it?”
David:”No, nothing!”
Thomas:”Does not matter! We are back together, man am I happy to see you!”
David:”Do not abandon me again!”
Thomas:*Never, I promise!”
Scene 17 (CF:6) – Back together – 10:00 pm
Altered Scene: traitorously frown
First Thomas was truly happy to see David again, but David developed serious trust issues. A certain heaviness looms over the mood of the duo.