Scene 17 (CF:6) – Back together – 10:00 pm
Altered Scene: traitorously frown
First Thomas was truly happy to see David again, but David developed serious trust issues. A certain heaviness looms over the mood of the duo.
Thomas tries to find the way back to the smoking lounge > traveling nightfloors > corruption check > 1d10 against 9 > 10 > Failure > Corruption rises to 10
Encounter > 1-4 Manisfistation , 5-6 Resident > Resident > The Encyclopedia Salesman
Suddenly Thomas sees a dashing figure in a pinstripe suit and two-tone shoes holding a large briefcase, rushing across the crux of the hallways.
Does Thomas recognizes the figure? > 50/50 > Yes
Lighting fast Thomas realizes that the figure resembles the mannequin from the burned room. Is that the guy who took Abby with him?
Without second thought Thomas rushes after the man.
DavidL:”Thomas wait!”
Thomas keeps on the trail of the man but every time he thinks he wins some ground, the guy makes another turn.
Random Manisfestations > Stage
Then Thomas thinks he is close to the man, makes another turn and suddenly stands before a wall.
Puzzled he discovers a long crack in the plaster between the ceiling and wall.
As he examines the crack further the entire hallway falls away like a house of cards, revealing that he stands on a stage. The remains of what he thought was “reality” are nothing more than simple plywood backdrops.
In the audience, hundreds of human-size marionettes stare mutely at the stage, strings running up into the dark.
Stand David with Thomas on the stage? > 50/50 > Yes
Dark Die against stress and Insight > Mark Anchor to avoid roll (Young Mentee)
Thomas:”Do you see that David? Or am I already Insane?”
David:”What do you mean? That we are suddenly standing on a theater stage or the creepy dolls in front of us?”
Thomas:”Both I guess.”
David:”Look! There are stairs. Let’s get away from here quickly it gives me the creeps!”
As the two men leave the stage, the marionettes begin to file out and disperse into the hallways.
Thomas:”These things are totally normal. Nothing to worry about!”
David:”May be you really got insane already!”
Thomas:”Look there is a door with an exit sign!”
David:”You do not think?”
The two men go through the door and end up back in the smoking lounge.
Thomas:”I cannot believe it! We are finally back! David we are free!”
David does not share the same enthusiasm.
David talks sober:”I was here before, but the door back to the Macallister Building was not there.”
Thomas:”We will see!”
Thomas encountered 11 Manisfistations vs Corruption of 10 > Door is visible
Both are going were they last time saw the door, and as the door comes into view, David breaks to his knees and starts to cry.
David:”I cannot believe I can finally leave this hell!”
Thomas:”Believe it. I might not have been able to save my daughter, but at least I could save you my friend!”
Thomas is giving David a warm fatherly smile.
They go through the door.
14 hours in the nightfloors / 6 = ~2,5h > Time 11:00 pm
Scene 18 (CF:5) – Back to reality – 11:00 pm
Thomas and David are rushing downstairs.
Both just want to exit as quick as possible.
As they stand in front of the Buildings exit, David grabs the doorknob, but Thomas stops him from opening the door.
He looks at David and asks him:”David my friend, tell me, have you seen the yellow sign?”
The curtain closes before the stage.
—The end of Nightfloors—