—- The Painting —-
Oracle: Mythic GME v2 app
Book oracle: Hideous Creatures
Name: Agent Derek
Job: FBI Agent
Insight: /6
Stress:2 /6
Anchor: Wife; 18 Year old Son; The fight for the right thing
Victim: Street Gang member
What are the clues?:
Art: The eyes of the painting follow
you around the room. On closer
examination… this is bizarre. The
oil portrait is more than forty years
old, but the paint around the eyes
is still wet to the touch. The back
of the canvas is infested with some
sort of damp mold that’s seeped
through without destroying the
image. It’s uncanny, but it explains
the curious suggestion of animation
to the features.
A street gang member was found dead under a painting, that is on a Delta Green watchlist. This is the reason why agent derek is brought into the case.
Scene 1: Murderscene CF:3
Does the local police knows more details about the Street gang member? -> likely> Yes > Fortunate Creepy >
The guy came to reasonable wealth through the street gang Business. The painting was right up his taste of creepy art he liked to invest his money in.
Agent Derek investigates the victim.
Any clues on the corpse? > 50/50 > No >
The victim looks like no one touched him and he just died on the spot.
May be an autopsie will reveal more details later.
Does the local police has more details about the painting? > 50/50 > yes >
Do they know who sold it to the street thug? likely > yes > who? > A mercernary wild carful>
The street thug (Damien Mooney) bought the picture from a mercenary (Lester Spencer) who lives in the wilderness and is very careful in regards of strangers.
Agent derek decides to visit Lester while he waits for the lab results.
Scene 2: Lesters home CF:4
Agent Derek drives as close he can to the house of Lester Spencer.
Is there a parking space in front of Lester’s house? > No
But the road ends before he is able to reach the house.
Can agent derek see the house? > 50/50 > yes>
At least is the house visible from Agents Dereks parking spot.
Agent Derek remembers what the local police told him about Spencer. Because of that he slowly and carefully approaches the house. He does not draw his gone, but he prepares himself for a quick draw.
Can he reach the house without incident? > 50/50 > Yes >
Agent Derek reaches the house without incident.
He does not want to scare Lester into doing something stupid, so Agent Derek announces himself loudly.
Agent D: Lester Spencer? I’m Special Agent Derek from the FBI! I’m just here to talk abot a painting you sold. Can I come in our you can come out?
Is someone in the house reacting? 50/50 > Yes > Block Possesions
Agent Derek hears the sound of a security bar being locked behind the door of the cabin.
Is someone saying something from inside? > 50/50 > Exceptional No
Besides that complete silence is filling the woods with tension.
Agent D.: “Spencer I know you are in there. Let us talk! I do not want to get a warrant, if we just could talk!”
Does Agent D. succeed to intimidate Spencer? > Human Die + Occupation vs Fail(Does not intimidate) > 6
Spencer:” Alright, alright. I do not think you want to bring more people here then necessary! I let you in, but I warn you, you will not like what you will see in here.”
The security bar is slipping backwards and the door is creeking open, giving away an inch of darkness of the cabin inside.
Agent D. is drawing his pistol, unsure what he will face inside.
He opens the door further with his foot, so he can pass through. Then he enters the room.
Can he see Spencer? > Exceptional yes >
First thing that Agent D. is seeing once his eyesight adopted to the darkness of the cabin is Spencer.
Appearance? > Festive, Bald
What is he doing > Overthrow, People
Spencer is standing in front of a pile. His bald head reflecting the light coming from the outside. He seems to wear a tuxedo which is weirdly out of place in a cabin in the woods. Coming closer Agent D. is realising what the pile in front of Spencer is made of: People!
Dark Die for Stress > Automatic increase 0>1
Are some of the people still alive? 50/50 > No
Are they naked? > 50/50 > No
The pile consists of liveless bodies, dressed in what to be seem there last thing they wore on that particular day they met there dark fate.
Agent D. starts to point his gun at Lester and starts shouting:”Lester you are listening carefully now. You are going down on your knees now, lifting your hand over your head. I will put handcuffs on you and we will leave this forsaken place together. Or I will have ro shoot you! Did you understand?
Does he comply? 50/50 > No > Easy cooperation >
Lester:”I would like to cooperate, but it is not easy for me you know. I cannot move easily.”
Agent D.:”Just go on your knees Lester, this is my last warning!”
Does he comply now > unlikely > No > Communicate Portal
Lester:”I cannot. I’m the portal. I’m the fix point in time and space. They use me to reach this world, to ( physical expose) physical expose it to their dimension.”
Agent D.:”I’m sorry Lester!”
Agent D. is emptying his magazin into the back of Lester Spencer.
Is Lester Spencer being punctured by gunshot wounds and is going down? > likely > yes
Blood is spraying from Lester’s body on the pile of bodies in front of him. Lester is moving forward, with every gunshot wound. When he is finally falling over.
Is he landing on the pile of bodies in front of him? > 50/50 > yes
As he falls frontforward, he is building the sad top of the pyramid of bodies sitting in the middle of the cabin.
Anything happening, as Lester’s corpse is touching the pile of bodies? > 50/50 > No
Dark die against stress for killing > 6 >1 > Stress increase to 2
Agent D. is bracing himself for what ever might come his way now. But after the ringing of the gunshots is subsiding, the only thing left with Agent D. in that room is this earie silence and a pile of dead bodies.
Where are those bodies coming from? How is the painting connected to all of this? How is Damien’s dead connected to all of this?
There is still a lot of work todo!
Scene 3: Investigate the cabin cf:5
Interupt Scene:Imitate Burden
Agent D. gets a call from his handler on his burner phone.
AD:”Agent Derek here!”
Agent Darius:”Agent Darius here. I think we have got company!”
AD:”What do you mean?”
Agent Darius:”Someone in the bureau tried to blow up your cover for the operation.”
Agent Darius:”I have everything under control. Your cover is safe. But keep your eyes open! The whole thing seems to gotten more attention then we thought before.”
AD:”Understood! I have a question! Do we know where Darius got the painting from, before he sold it to Damien?”
Does Darius tell him where the painting came before? > 50/50 > Yes > Vibrant Yieldingly
Agent Darius:”The painting was a highly sought after rarity in occult art circles. Because of that Delta Green started to track its whereabouts.
Does Darius know who sold it to Lester > 50/50 > No
Agent Darius: “Unfortunately it got lost. That was the reason it triggered us, when it was discovered in the room of this dead street thug. We do not know if the painting itself is a threatvector, or if it is just popular between highly influntial and dangerous people with occult interests.
But as you saw ut lead us where we needed to be!
That is also the only reason we did dared to destroy it yet.”
AD:”You use it as a kind of tracking device to find fucked up people!”
Agent Darius:”This is a way to put it.”
AD:” I think we found another one!”
Agent Darius:”What are we dealing with?”
AD:”At best a very prolific stuborn and dead serial killer.”
Agent Darius:”If you find signs of unnatural activity, make sure to collect what you need and clean up the rest!”
AD:”I have a lot of dead bodies here. I will not be able to ID or autopsy all of them in one night!”
Agent Darius:”I understand and I trust your judgement, but if certain powers are involved the risk is to great to get local police involved. Understood?”
AD:”Understood clearly!”
Agent Darius:”Darius out!”
Agent Derek receives beeping on his burner phone. Agent Darius hanged up on him.
Scene 4: Investigate the cabin cf:6
Name: Agent Derek
Job: FBI Agent
Insight: 2/6
Stress: 4/6
Anchor: Wife; 18 Year old Son; The fight for the right thing
Altered Scene: NPC Action(Lester Spencer) > Accompany Fame > Lester Spencer comes back from the dead and accompanies Derek
As Derek put his phone away, he suddenly heres moaning behind him and the slurping sound of clothing dragged around on dirty wood panels.
A sudden cold shiver is fleeting throufh Dereks body. Can it be? Can it be Lester?
He grabs his gun and quickly turns around. There he sees him standing tall again, in his blood soaken tuxedo.
Dark Die against stress and insight > 6 > Insight and Stress plus 1
He had a clear plan, turn around, and shoot. But now, where this bald men, with 5 or more gaping gun shot wounds is standing tall in front of him, he freezes.
Also he realizes in panic… does he actually has ammo left?
What is Lester doing? > Hasty Change >
Suddenly Lester seems to get a spasm attack. His whole body is trembling. Is Skin seems to boil. His limbs are bending and finally breaking. Something very weird is going on here.
Dark Die against Stress and Insight > 5 > Stress and Insight +1
In pure panic Derek is aiming his gun on the trembling mess, which was a human being before.
Does he has ammo left? > 50/50 > Yes > How much? 1d4 > 2
Derek is shooting without hesitation. Two shots are fired.
Is he hitting? Human Dice + Occupation vs Fail(Miss) > 5, 5, 3 > Succeds with advantage
Derek lands two clean shots. One in the chest and one in the leg of the thing. The legshot lets the fleshthing collapse to the floor.
Derek does not believe that two bullets were enough to stop whatever he is dealing with here.
He searches for something to do more scalable damage > Human Die + Occupation vs Fail (No weapon to be found) > 6, 6, 2 > Brilliant Success + Difficult Truth >
Hastingly Derek is scanning the room. Then he sees a solution. The cabin has gas pipes leading to the oven on the other side of the room. But to get there he has to climb over several of the bodies which are pilled up in the room. Also he will need to find a way to ignite the gas.
Is Lester moving? 50/50 > Yes > Invade Technology
Lesters spasms are starting again. Now his skin breaks open and dark, carbon cable like tentacles are covering his body. In between those cables yellow gloving orbs are visible, like glowing eyes. The tentacles are starting to spread out of Lester into the rest of the cabin.

Derek knows he needs to hurry.
Derek wants to reach the gas valve on the other side of the room > Human Die vs Fail(He stumbles across a dead body) > 3, 3 > Barely succeds with complications>
Derek climbs quickly over the bodys lying in front of him. But shortly before he can reach the gas valve, something is pulling his leg back. He looks down and sees his leg wraped by one of the carbon tentacles pertruding out of Lesters body.
Is there a Knife reachable on the kitchen counter? > likely > No
Is there something else that can cut or chop reachable? > likely > Exceptional Yes > Stolen Threatining >
Derek looks around in a panic. There has to be something he can use to free himself. Than he sees an electrical carving knife, and it is plugged in!
He grabs it and tries to cut the tentacles from his leg.
The saw comes to life and soarks are flying as the saw contacts the carbon colored tentacle.
Does the carving knife cuts through the tentacle? > very likely > yes
The tentacle gives away under the sawing treatment of the electrical carving knife. Black goo is spraying out of its end, covering Derek in a sticky black mess.
Finally Derek reaches the gas valve.
He opens it up, as far as he can.
A sizzling noise fills together with the gas itself the room.
The first part of the plan worked well, but how to set the gas of?
Are there any matches or lighters lying in Dereks reach? > 50/50 > No
While the electrical carving knife was a godsend, no matches or lighters seem to be part of the kitchen.
Is there a lightbulb in the room? > very likely > Yes
Is there a switch close to one of the exits > very likely > yes
Derek has a plan. But for that he needs to climb over those bodies again.